Educational resources from GBHA member museums and cultural organizations


Join at a discounted rate of $25 now through October 31, 2018. 

>> Download a membership form now

>>Purchase an individual GBHA membership online

Any educator interested in supporting history, heritage, preservation, education, and interpretation of the history of Baltimore and the surrounding area is invited to join GBHA. Students, board members, retirees, museum professionals, volunteers, historians, educators, and preservationists are all encouraged to join.

Member Benefits

GBHA Teacher Reciprocal Pass to participating GBHA historic sites and museums. 

Discounts on Programs – Attend GBHA training sessions at a discounted rate.

GBHA List Serv – Connect and take advantage of teacher and student resources provided by GBHA museum and non-profit members. 

Special Events – Receive invitations to special events hosted by GBHA members and discounts from participating organizations.

>> Download a membership form today

>> Purchase an individual GBHA membership online